Two visions of the Study

Shaped by both history and work organization, our conceptions of the office are constantly evolving. In an era where any place can become a potential workspace as long as it has network and wifi, and with remote work widely practiced since the global pandemic, we ponder over this profound transformation. Hortense Leluc, decoration and design journalist, and Anne Bony, design historian, invite us into their respective studies and share their perspectives on these environments.

Hortense Leluc, a design journalist and creator of the podcast Décodeur, where she hosts guests to discuss trends and themes in the world of decoration, works in Paris. She welcomes us into her apartment:

Anne Bony, author of art books dedicated to 20th-century creation, works between Paris and Normandy. She welcomes us into her Parisian studio:

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Meet Arnold d'Alger

The artist Arnold d'Alger, founder of the Bazar d'Alger, presents in a video of the ornamentation work he did for the mantelpiece in Galerie Rinck.

The Art of Lacquer: Family Heritage and Modernity at Atelier Midavaine

Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of Atelier Midavaine with Anne Midavaine, who shares the fascinating history of this house founded in 1930. Inheriting an ancestral tradition of cellulose lacquer, the workshop embodies both the craftsmanship of yesteryear and contemporary innovation.

A video conversation with Sarah Magness

Architect and interior designer Sarah Magness talks about the creation of the Palm Beach Atelier.

Exploring the Watercolor World of Morgane Guerry

Enter the world of illustrator and watercolorist Morgane Guerry, through her two collaborations with Rinck. From painting a ceiling to creating an original folding screen, Morgane reveals an artistic process where limits are often made to be pushed, questioned and finally transcended.